This project was conducted as part of corporate social responsibilities (CSR) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) facilitated by UTM Pagoh Campus in collaboration with Impactlution Sdn Bhd.
This module was formally launched as the first of its kind in Malaysia for 64 students and teachers from Tenby International School co-facilitated by the staff of Johor National Park Corporation. The one-day module which was held on 19 October 2022 incorporated several elements for indoor and outdoor experience such as games, workbooks, presentations and hands on activities specific to Tanjung Piai Johor National Park.
Designed based on the concept of education through gamification, this module that can suit all ages is hoped to spread and increase the environmental awareness specifically the importance of sustaining mangrove and reducing the negative impacts as mangrove supports numerous ecosystems for food and shelter, and can act as natural infrastructure for healthy coastal zones.